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Kisah Sukses Pelanggan

Keberhasilan pelanggan adalah hal yang memotivasi kami - untuk berinovasi, berevolusi, dan menghadapi tantangan baru. Baca kisah-kisah di bawah ini untuk menginspirasi Anda.

Rantai Pasok & Logistik

Temukan bagaimana para pemimpin industri mengandalkan teknologi InterSystems untuk mencapai rantai pasok yang gesit dan tangguh.
27 Juli, 2024
The speed and adaptability of the InterSystems IRIS data platform enabled M-Tech to support its customer navigate high peaks in demand and a disruptive landscape.
12 Juli, 2024
UST uses InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator to digitally optimize safety stock levels in real time and a balanced production line.
02 Februari, 2023
Unifying Fragmented Systems
VNF was able to unify seven different information systems while providing agility and responsiveness.
08 Oktober, 2022
Digitalization in the textile industry
InterSystems IRIS has been the data platform foundation of the company's products for almost 20 years
25 Mei, 2022
Optimizing the Supply Chain
Customers rely on InterSystems technology to improve business results by enabling better decision-making and providing accurate real-time visibility and traceability across their supply chains.

Jasa Keuangan

Baca mengapa lembaga keuangan paling sukses di dunia memanfaatkan teknologi kami untuk menghadapi tantangan terberat mereka.
06 Juni, 2023
Harris Associates
InterSystems TotalView For Asset Management delivers the insights needed to improve portfolio returns, boost client engagement, reduce risk, and improve operational efficiencies.
29 Maret, 2022
Global Financial Technology Leader
A $5-billion global fintech leader handling $7TN of fixed income and equities securities trades per day, needed a better way to manage and distribute growing volumes of data.
17 November, 2021
Major International Investment Bank
Enables Real-Time Capabilities, Advanced Analytics, and Scalability
09 November, 2020
Financial Center First Credit Union
Member Campaign Speaks to Current Crisis, Builds on Credit Union’s Pillars
05 Juni, 2020
Rathbone Brothers Plc
The role of the IT department in modern financial services organizations involves a difficult balancing act.

Jelajahi Kisah Sukses Pelanggan

94 hasil