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Abu Dhabi Laboratory Accelerates COVID-19 Testing by Adopting the World’s First Laboratory Business Management System

G42 partners with InterSystems to ensure the UAE continues to lead as one of the world’s most tested countries per capita


Dubai, UAE, May 12, 2020 - InterSystems, a global leader in healthcare information systems and technology solutions, has partnered with Group 42 (G42), a leading artificial intelligence and cloud computing company based in Abu Dhabi, to deploy InterSystems TrakCare Lab Enterprise (TCLE), the first laboratory business management solution.

The solution is being utilized for the COVID-19 laboratory located in Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, and operationalized by G42 with the collaboration of BGI, the world’s leading provider of genomic and proteomic services. The construction of the laboratory took only 14 days, providing a fast solution to COVID-19 testing scale-up needs in the UAE.

By using TCLE, the laboratory can conduct thousands COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests per day – making it the first in the world of this scale to be operational outside of China. This high-throughput processing capability helps accelerate the diagnosis and identification of suspected COVID-19 cases, the release of recovered patients, and the screening of close contacts and high-risk groups.

The InterSystems TCLE system will help the laboratory streamline testing workflows and accelerate the screening process to ensure that the UAE continues to lead as one of the world’s most tested countries per capita. Using TCLE, PCR results will be automatically reported and easily transmitted to Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA) and Dubai Health Authority (DHA).

Ashish Koshy, CEO of G42 Healthcare, commented: “The collaboration with InterSystems adds tremendous value to our laboratory operations as it streamlines the internal processes and significantly contributes to the reduction of the testing turnaround time. The use of TCLE, and the flexibility that comes with it, allow us to respond effectively and in a timely manner to the current demand for samples analysis.”

The lab will utilize BGI’s RT-PCR diagnostic kits for the detection of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 disease. It is the only RT-PCR diagnostic kit that has received approvals from China (NMPA), Europe (CE-IVD), the United States (FDA) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The lab will prioritize testing within the UAE but could scale up to receive samples from neighboring regions. The partners also plan to enable cutting-edge monitoring of virus mutations and the ability to detect new pathogens in the future with high-throughput sequencing.

Commenting on this initiative, Ali Abi Raad, Country Manager for the Middle East and India at InterSystems, said, “PCR testing is a crucial step in the fight against COVID-19. It has never been more critical to ensure that our partners have access to the right tools to speed up testing and reporting. InterSystems is poised to help our partners manage their role in the fight against the pandemic.”

TCLE is an automated platform that is designed to help labs transform from a reactive testing and results service – typically supported by a traditional data and analytical management solution – to a data-driven organization capable of meeting the increased expectations for modern pathology services.


About InterSystems InterSystems is the information engine that powers some of the world’s most important applications. In healthcare, business, government, and other sectors where lives and livelihoods are at stake, InterSystems has been a strategic technology provider since 1978. InterSystems is a privately held company headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA), with offices worldwide, and its software products are used daily by millions of people in more than 80 countries. For more information, please visit

About Group 42 Group 42 (G42) is a leading Artificial Intelligence, Cloud and Supercomputing company based in Abu Dhabi, uniquely positioned in the national ecosystem to develop and deploy holistic and scalable AI solutions.

G42 is founded on three core components: 1) fundamental and applied AI Research through its subsidiary the Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence, 2) a leading Cloud Computing Platform capable of powering the largest and most demanding customers in the region 3) high-impact AI solutions optimized for a wide range of industries such as: Healthcare, Smart City, Financial Services, Oil and Gas, Utilities, Education, Aviation, Hospitality and Tourism.

G42 has an active and extensive partnership network, connecting leading international organizations that complement its ecosystem and support its vision.

For further information on G42, visit

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