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California’s Largest Nonprofit Health Data Network Selects InterSystems HealthShare® to Achieve New Vision for Information Delivery Providers

Manifest MedEx is helping healthcare leaders accelerate delivery of value-based care by breaking down data silos and spurring innovation

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CAMBRIDGE, Mass. and SAN FRANCISCO — February 5, 2019 — InterSystems, a global leader in information technology platforms for health, business, and government applications, today announced that Manifest MedEx, a health information network that delivers real-time information to help providers care for millions of patients every day, has selected InterSystems HealthShare as the core technology behind its statewide nonprofit network, the largest in California and expanding rapidly.

HealthShare, a suite of connected care solutions for a unified patient care record, is enabling Manifest MedEx to continue expanding its innovative model, combining millions of clinical and claims records into a reliable health data utility for all providers. Healthcare leaders are increasingly looking for tools and information to help manage patients enrolled in value-based care programs and to provide proactive, preventive care.

Manifest MedEx’s participating members are composed of more than 200 healthcare organizations, including more than 80 California hospitals, and five of the largest health plans in the state — including Blue Shield of California and Anthem Blue Cross of California. The network delivers real-time information from more than 11 million claims records and more than 5 million clinical records.

“Healthcare organizations need a data utility that fits into their workflows, a network that is flexible, reliable, and very quickly valuable to their patients. We are teaming with InterSystems to deliver a completely new approach to health information,” said Claudia Williams, CEO at Manifest MedEx. “Breaking down silos is just the first step in fostering innovation in healthcare, and, ultimately, improving health for patients overall.”

Manifest MedEx has three primary product lines that help participants reduce cost and enhance patient and provider experience in specialized ways.

  • MX Notify provides customizable real-time admission, discharge, and transfer alerts so that providers can immediately know when a patient has been at the hospital and can offer timely assistance.
  • MX Access delivers a single, easy-to-use view of clinical and claims records going back five to seven years, helping providers to review a wide range of data types from disparate sources, resulting in a more complete and accurate view of a patient’s medical history.
  • MX Analyze is a forthcoming risk prediction and quality measurement tool for population health management, designed to help providers easily explore signals from health data.

Through this new partnership with InterSystems and through the use of HealthShare, Manifest MedEx will now have the ability to synthesize a wide variety of data types across disparate sources and deliver them to providers in one singular view.

J2 Interactive served as the implementation partner for the migration from a previous system to HealthShare.

“Manifest MedEx is a true pioneer in creating a framework for health information,” said Don Woodlock, Vice President of HealthShare at InterSystems. “Their work to deliver signal from vast quantities of healthcare noise is transformative for providers on the front lines of patient care.”

Manifest MedEx will present “Unifying Provider and Payer Data to Propel Value-Based Care” at HIMSS19 at an InterSystems-sponsored Industry Solution Session Thursday, February 14, 8:30 –9:30 a.m. in Room W208C.

About InterSystems

InterSystems is the information engine that powers some of the world’s most important applications. In healthcare, finance, government, and other sectors where lives and livelihoods are at stake, InterSystems has been a strategic technology provider since 1978. InterSystems is a privately held company headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA), with offices worldwide, and its software products are used daily by millions of people in more than 80 countries. For more information, please visit

About Manifest MedEx

As California’s largest nonprofit health data network, Manifest MedEx delivers real-time information to help healthcare providers care for millions of patients every day. Together, we are transforming the healthcare landscape across the state, supporting California as a leader in affordable, proactive, and compassionate medical care. For more information, visit:

Press Contact

For InterSystems:
Jackie D’Andrea
InkHouse PR

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