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DataRobot and InterSystems Partner to Accelerate Adoption of AI in Healthcare

Strategic partnership provides developers access to DataRobot within InterSystems platform

BOSTON - March 9, 2020 -- DataRobot, the leader in enterprise AI, and InterSystems, a global leader in information technology platforms for health, business, and government applications, today announced a partnership designed to accelerate the application of AI in healthcare. Through an integration and reseller agreement, the partnership makes it easier for InterSystems customers to integrate predictions and insights from DataRobot’s enterprise AI platform into their healthcare applications.

The DataRobot enterprise AI platform provides automation across the entire AI lifecycle, accelerating and streamlining a user’s journey from data to value. Through this partnership, the enterprise AI platform will be integrated with InterSystems IRIS® data platform and InterSystems for Health, the world’s first and only data platform specifically engineered to extract value from healthcare data.

“Healthcare is prime for disruption in ways that benefit patients, providers and payers, and AI represents the next frontier,” said Bill Hobbib, SVP of Marketing, DataRobot. “Our partnership with InterSystems makes it easier for users to leverage the power of AI to deliver high-quality care, improve patient experience and outcomes, all while reducing the cost of care through AI-driven efficiencies.”

DataRobot’s enterprise AI platform will augment InterSystems’ IntegratedML, a capability that gives developers access to AutoML capabilities directly from SQL. This allows InterSystems IRIS and IRIS for Health customers to embed predictions within their existing applications in a simple, intuitive, and scalable way. InterSystems’ technology simplifies the data acquisition, normalization, and other “data wrangling,” and DataRobot’s technology simplifies the entire AI process from feature engineering and modeling to deployment and monitoring.  This will accelerate delivery and time to value of ML/AI capabilities in real-time decisioning applications.

“DataRobot’s enterprise AI platform is a natural extension across all InterSystems deployments using our IntegratedML, both in healthcare and also in other industries,” said Scott Gnau, head of Data Platforms for InterSystems. “This enables developers to easily include machine learning and AI extensions, creating real-time enhanced decisions and analytics for their applications. It makes operations robust as well. IntegratedML is built into InterSystems IRIS and IRIS for Health - a secure and reliable platform that runs many of the world’s most health-critical applications, and DataRobot brings in best-in-class MLOps.”

“At Baystate Health, we are focused not only on the 800,000 patients in Western Massachusetts, but also on turning data into insights that can help advance healthcare nationwide and around the world,” said Joel Vengco, senior vice president and chief information officer of Baystate Health. “This partnership between DataRobot and InterSystems is an exciting one for us; it will put even more powerful tools in the hands of our development staff to create cutting-edge healthcare solutions.”


About DataRobot DataRobot is the leader in enterprise AI, delivering trusted AI technology and ROI enablement services to global enterprises competing in today’s Intelligence Revolution. DataRobot’s enterprise AI platform democratizes data science with end-to-end automation for building, deploying, and managing machine learning models. This platform maximizes business value by delivering AI at scale and continuously optimizing performance over time. The company’s proven combination of cutting-edge software and world-class AI implementation, training, and support services, empowers any organization – regardless of size, industry, or resources – to drive better business outcomes with AI.

With a singular focus on AI since its inception, DataRobot has a proven track record of delivering AI with ROI. DataRobot has offices across the globe and $431 million in funding from top-tier firms, including New Enterprise Associates, Sapphire Ventures, Meritech, and DFJ Growth. For more information, visit, and join the conversation on Twitter and LinkedIn.

About InterSystems InterSystems is the information engine that powers some of the world’s most important applications. In healthcare, business, government, and other sectors where lives and livelihoods are at stake, InterSystems has been a strategic technology provider since 1978. InterSystems is a privately held company headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA), with offices worldwide, and its software products are used daily by millions of people in more than 80 countries. For more information, please visit

About Baystate Health Baystate Health is a not-for-profit healthcare organization serving over 800,000 people throughout western New England. Services include an academic medical center, community hospitals, medical practices, homecare and hospice, regional reference lab, and the insurer Health New England. As part of a state-wide $1 billion healthcare innovation initiative in Massachusetts, Baystate Health launched an innovation and adoption accelerator, TechSpring, to match private enterprise with partners to take on some of healthcare’s most difficult challenges. Visit

About TechSpring, the Baystate Health Technology Innovation Center TechSpring represents Baystate Health’s digital innovation team, specializing in the discovery, evaluation, design, development and deployment of impactful technologies. For 5 years, TechSpring has championed projects building a bridge between a ‘living lab’ real healthcare environment and healthcare innovators, such as InterSystems, Cerner, athenahealth, and Aruba. By linking technology solutions in the marketplace to Baystate Health’s passionate problems and strategic initiatives, TechSpring enables partnering digital health companies to access the assets of Baystate Health, and the Western Massachusetts healthcare ecosystem, to test, pivot, refine, and launch new solutions. Visit:

DataRobot Contact:

Libby Botsford
Communications Manager


InterSystems Contact: Jackie D’Andrea
InkHouse PR


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