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Fitango Health Developing Solutions for Post-Acute Care using InterSystems Technology

InterSystems interoperability platform supports key integrations for Fitango Health’s Patient Health Management application, which provides Care Beyond the Point-of-CareTM

Fitango Health
Fitango Health today announced a partnership with InterSystems in which Fitango Health will utilize InterSystems technologies to create solutions for patients outside the typical hospital environment.

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 30, 2017 — Today, Fitango Health, an innovative provider of patient health management for the healthcare industry and InterSystems, a global leader in health information technology, announced a partnership in which Fitango Health will utilize InterSystems technologies to create solutions for patients outside the typical hospital environment.

Fitango Health has developed a Patient Health Management application, a post-discharge platform designed to improve recovery outcomes and reduce costs for providers and patients in the home setting. The platform enables patients to be guided through their recovery process through interactive action plans and supports a consistent connection to their care team. In addition, the platform also offers interoperability with a patient’s electronic medical record (EMR) system using the embedded InterSystems HealthShare Connect application.

In addition to its flagship platform, Fitango Health works with healthcare providers, payers and other wellness organizations to create interactive applications for increased stakeholder communication, including two-way communication modules that connect provider, patient, and his or her extended care community—the friends, relatives, and other individuals with a vested interest in the patient’s care, treatment and wellbeing.

“Fitango Health’s collaborative system allows providers to extend care beyond their point-of-care facilities and provides a mechanism to intervene with patients to ensure a healthier population with better outcomes,” said Matt Morris, COO at Fitango Health.

InterSystems develops connected health solutions on its Health Informatics Platform. This includes the HealthShare product family, which allows clinicians to capture, share, understand, and act on their data. InterSystems customers include leading hospitals, health systems, health information networks, health plans, medical device manufacturers, labs, and other organizations serving hundreds of millions of patients worldwide. InterSystems health service bus (HSB) technology provides rapid and reliable healthcare integration with out-of-the box support for global healthcare information protocols and messaging formats.

“Patients need, and deserve, better communication and information to manage their health, and we are proud to support Fitango’s progress toward this goal,” said Kathleen Aller, Director of Healthcare Business Development, InterSystems. “For providers, this patient-centric orientation advances the goal of making population health management personalized.”

About Fitango Health
Fitango Health, Inc., an innovative developer of healthcare technology solutions, was founded in 2010 by a group of experienced entrepreneurs and healthcare specialists. The company’s. mission is to help healthcare organizations improve the monitoring of collaborative care, reduce unnecessary hospitalizations and increase care plan adherence at a lower cost. For more information, visit

About InterSystems
InterSystems is the information engine that powers some of the world’s most important applications. In healthcare, finance, government, and other sectors where lives and livelihoods are at stake, InterSystems has been a strategic technology provider since 1978. InterSystems is a privately held company headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA), with offices worldwide, and its software products are used daily by millions of people in more than 80 countries. For more information, visit

Fitango Health media contact:
Matthew Morris
(212) 956-0555

InterSystems media contact:
Tom Keppeler
(617) 551-2116


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