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Gemelli Hospital on Track to Become More Digitized for Better Patient Management 

Gemelli Hospital announced the rollout of a new unified Healthcare Information System, InterSystems TrakCare with the aim of improving patient care and supporting healthcare professionals with their clinical decisions

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ROME- December 18, 2019 - Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS and  InterSystems, a global leader in information technology platforms for health, business, and government applications, announced that Gemelli hospital in Rome has adopted  InterSystems TrakCare as its new Electronic Medical Record System.

TrakCare went live successfully in all inpatient departments of Policlinico Gemelli and Presidio Columbus, including NHS/RHS and private hospitalizations in October 2019. This is of particular significance to Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, given the complexity of the hospital activity, which is divided into 20 areas grouped in seven departments with the aim of providing care, training, teaching, and research among 241 units, including 85 Complex Operating Units, 124 Simple Operating Units, and 35 Simple Area Operating Entities.

TrakCare implementation enabled Gemelli to proceed with many significant steps in its digitization process as well as its business management. It provided several features, such as an electronic medical record at the hospital’s bedside, unified clinical and administrative capabilities, and medication management.

The ‘Go-Live’ also included the crucial integration of around 30 departmental and external systems, optimizing the flow of diagnostic and consultancy services in compliance with the Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation standards. Through this complex system, all clinical documentation, including emergency documentation, automatically flows into the patient's health record, in compliance with the dictates of the Personal Data Protection Authority for the benefit of all doctors and health professionals.

The real-time detailed collection of all data will also automatically enrich the corporate Data Warehouse providing researchers and administrators at Gemelli hospital with a significant amount of additional data.

The TrakCare implementation involved around 90 departments, 3,500 users, just under 1,000 workstations, 30 critical services, and the coordination of a team that, in peak times, reached nearly 200 people.

Such an effort within the shortest time possible was achieved thanks to InterSystems’ professionalism and ability to team up with the Gemelli hospital IT team who was managing the project under the leadership of Mr. Paolo Sergi, CIO of the Policlinico. They put in place a huge effort to create a system with all of the required Gemelli functions.

The contribution of the Health Management Department of the University Hospital was particularly important, while at the same time, they were engaged in the challenging project of the Joint Commission International (JCI) certification.

“TrakCare enables care providers to have a holistic view of patients’ data from a clinical, administrative, and financial point of view in order to achieve clinical and financial goals. Through events and process monitoring, and by giving the right support to healthcare professionals’ clinical decisions, TrakCare is proving to be a fundamental tool that enables innovation and continuous improvement of care processes for the patients’ benefit,” said Cesare Guidorzi, Country Manager of InterSystems in Italy.

"TrakCare provides Gemelli with a state-of-the-art solution for managing the complex clinical and administrative processes that are typical of a complex organization such as the Policlinico. The high level of integration during the different stages of care and the timely use of information for the decision-making process put in perspective the concrete possibility of controlling processes and conveying modifications in an efficient and effective way. Furthermore, analytical and documented information can be immediately extracted and elaborated on to support different research activities which represent the true flagship of our facility, which was recognized by the Italian Ministry of Health as IRCCS (Institute for Scientific Treatment and Research) for the Personalized Medicine and Innovative Biotechnology in March 2018,” said Marco Elefanti, General Director of the University Hospital A. Gemelli IRCCS.

"Putting the patient at the center of care, specifically implemented by the health record and by all the clinical data integrations, as well as by the assisted medication administration, enables doctors and healthcare professionals to have an accurate and complete evaluation of the data to support clinical safety and quality of care,” explained Andrea Cambieri, Chief Medical Officer at Policlino Universitario Gemelli IRCCS.

The next steps will involve the deployment of the electronic medical record to the outpatient and ambulatory departments, and activating functions to support research protocols and other significant optimization functions for resource allocation and planning.

About Gemelli Hospital

Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS in Rome brings together scientific and technical skills, human sensitivity and ethics, granting excellent and affordable care for the entire community and always looking at the future. It aspires to become the best academic medical center in Italy and one of the top 10 in Europe for clinical quality and ability to move research and development right to the bedside. It is the second largest Italian hospital and one of the main national cancer institutes. It is also a center of excellence for care, innovation and medical research in synergy with the School of Medicine and Surgery at the Università Cattolica in Rome.

About InterSystems

InterSystems is the information engine that powers some of the world’s most important applications. In healthcare, business, government, and other sectors where lives and livelihoods are at stake, InterSystems has been a strategic technology provider since 1978. InterSystems is a privately held company headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA), with offices worldwide, and its software products are used daily by millions of people in more than 80 countries. For more information, please visit


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Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS Press Office
Nicola Cerbino – + 39 335 7125703 +39 06 3015 4442 +39 06 3015 4295

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