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Guerbet announces a strategic partnership with InterSystems to extend the deployment of Contrast&Care®, its IT contrast media injection management solution

  • More effective integration of Contrast&Care® into the IT systems of hospitals and medical imaging centers

  • A complete solution for managing patient data

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Villepinte (France), November 13, 2019 (18:00 CET) Guerbet, a global specialist in contrast agents and solutions for medical imaging, today announced its signing of a strategic partnership with InterSystems, a global leader in information technology platforms, in particular for healthcare, in order to optimize the integration of the Contrast&Care® contrast media injection management solution into the IT systems of hospitals and medical imaging centers.

A strategic partnership for interoperability

InterSystems health data management platform, IRISTM for Health, will allow Contrast&Care to integrate more fully with hospital information systems. Data collected from medical devices can be supplemented with medical data obtained from other systems for better patient care and follow-up.

Version 3.0 of Contrast&Care with the IRIS for Health platform should be available in Q2 2020 and deployed worldwide.

Complementary technologies

Contrast&Care is an integrated IT solution launched initially in November 2017 that groups together data on examinations involving an injection (contrast agent, injection protocol, patient data, etc.) and interfaces with the information systems used in radiology, including the RIS (Radiology Information System), the PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) and EMR (Electronic Medical Records). It improves traceability and efficiency while simplifying the decision-making process at imaging centers.

Data generated by injectors is sent automatically to Contrast&Care following each examination. Users can view a patient’s data history, the examinations that required an injection and the doses of contrast media administered. Contrast&Care also allows users to review protocols, create protocol libraries and see statistics and trends on injection activity and use of contrast media.

Data analysis and collection play a crucial role in the digital transformation that is currently sweeping the healthcare industry. The IRIS for Health solution offers a series of key features allowing data management and interoperability in a single, comprehensive, standardized, reliable and easy-to-use platform.

The InterSystems technology is used in 80 countries and scored 4.7/5 in the Gartner Peer Insights Customer’s Choice in January 2019, higher than all the other Gartner Magic Quadrant for Operational Database Management Solutions (1) candidates.

“This partnership will strengthen our digital strategy, which is designed to simplify decision-making for healthcare professionals. The interoperability introduced with the InterSystems technology will facilitate our deployment of Contrast&Care, it is of crucial importance in the health sector,” said Adan Martin, Head of Digital Solutions at Guerbet.

“Our partnership will make the health system more efficient through simpler decision-making. InterSystems IRIS for Health will provide Guerbet with a scalable, intelligent, and fast platform for Contrast&Care, enabling it to collect, analyze, manage and store vital healthcare data easily and securely. Patients will benefit from more appropriate care and health professionals can work in greater safety,” said Carlos Jaime, General Manager of InterSystems France.

[1] Gartner Magic Quadrant for Operational Database Management Systems, Merv Adrian, Donald Feinberg, Nick Heudecker, October 25, 2018, ID: G00346575


About Contrast&Care®Contrast&Care® is a class I/CE medical device designed to be used by healthcare professionals only. It is a contrast product injection management solution that enables imaging centers to collect, archive, examine and share injection data, including data on contrast products, adverse events, injector activity, information on estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and other risk factors before an exam.

Contrast&Care® is available in German, UK and US English, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Korean, Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian, Polish, Brazilian and Portugal Portuguese and Thai. For more information, please refer to the information leaflet and instructions for use. Contrast&Care® is manufactured by Medex, a subsidiary of the Guerbet Group (Saint-Priest France).

 About Guerbet Guerbet is a pioneer in the contrast-agent field, with more than 90 years’ experience, and is a leader in medical imaging worldwide. It offers a comprehensive range of pharmaceutical products, medical devices and services for diagnostic and interventional imaging, to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients. With 8% of revenue dedicated to R&D and more than 200 employees distributed amongst its centers in France, Israel and the United States, Guerbet is a substantial investor in research and innovation. Guerbet (GBT) is listed on Euronext Paris (segment B – mid caps) and generated €790 million in revenue in 2018. For more information about Guerbet, please visit

About InterSystems InterSystems is the information engine that powers some of the world’s most important applications. In healthcare, business, government, and other sectors where lives and livelihoods are at stake, InterSystems has been a strategic technology provider since 1978. InterSystems is a privately held company headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA), with offices worldwide, and its software products are used daily by millions of people in more than 80 countries.


Media Relations

Guerbet Global

Alize RP

Caroline Carmagnol

+33 (0)6 64 18 99 59

Elan Edelman for InterSystems

Elodie Londas Hoarau

+33 (0)1 86 21 51 42



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