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InterSystems and Greater Houston Healthconnect Collaborate to Provide Health Information Exchange Services for 12 Million Patients

Leveraging InterSystems HealthShare®, Greater Houston Healthconnect coordinates care delivery by unifying the information that matters at the point of care

Greater Houston Health Connect

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., and HOUSTON, Texas, August 22, 2018— Greater Houston Healthconnect, the regional health information exchange (HIE) serving 24 counties in Southeast Texas, today announced it is live with InterSystems HealthShare®, powering the region’s interoperability and care coordination initiatives. HealthShare seamlessly integrates data from all electronic health records (EHRs) of providers in the region to enable a unified patient record which will improve quality, patient safety, and efficiency for the area’s 12 million patients.

The nation’s third most populated city, Greater Houston is comprised of 24 counties spanning from Houston to the Louisiana border, down to Corpus Christi, and north to College Station. Despite its vast size, HealthShare seamlessly connects all of the major health systems and 70+ percent of the region’s physician community to the same unified health record to ensure providers have an accurate, straightforward view of nearly every patient in the Greater Houston area. This comprehensive view greatly benefits all provider organizations contracting under a value-based care model.

Longtime InterSystems partner J2 Interactive handled the migration of Greater Houston Healthconnect to HealthShare from its previous platform.

Greater Houston Healthconnect also leverages a number of HealthShare solutions to provide unmatched care quality to the local community. Most notably, the HIE has recently entrusted HealthShare Patient Index to uniquely identify and match patients across all of their caregivers.  Patient Index is also used to manage the informed consent model for patients to opt-in to share their health information.

“Building the foundation of our HIE on HealthShare will allow us to power 24/7 care delivery to the millions of people in Greater Houston, and to be more prepared for events outside our control, regardless of what factors may come into play,” said Nick Bonvino, CEO of Greater Houston Healthconnect. “HealthShare will ensure that we can deliver the right information, to the right person, at the right time, and that care quality is never compromised.”

In addition to Information Exchange and Patient Index, Greater Houston Healthconnect delivers real-time notifications to more effectively manage specific population cohorts under risk-based contracts.

“Given the broad patient population in the Greater Houston area, establishing a comprehensive and unified patient record is critical when it comes to delivering high quality patient care,” said Don Woodlock, vice president of HealthShare at InterSystems. “Greater Houston Healthconnect exemplifies what it means to deliver transformational care quality and safety for its millions of patients, regardless of what external factors may come into play, and is bringing new meaning to ‘the power behind what matters.’”

"Platform migrations are never easy, but J2, in close partnership with InterSystems and Greater Houston Healthconnect, was able to complete a successful migration with an ambitious timeline with no service disruption to existing stakeholders,” added Mickey Yalon, vice president and chief technology officer at J2 Interactive. “We look forward to continuing to work together to grow the Greater Houston Healthcare footprint and bring new and innovative service offerings to the HIE’s participants."


About Greater Houston Healthconnect

Greater Houston Healthconnect is an independent, community-based organization responsible for enabling information exchange among healthcare providers in a 24-county region. It is tasked with mobilizing healthcare information electronically across organizations to enhance the safety, quality, and efficiency of care and improve information access throughout the region. Key stakeholders include healthcare providers, payers, employers and the community as a whole. For more information, visit

About InterSystems

InterSystems is the engine behind the world’s most important applications. In healthcare, finance, government, and other sectors where lives and livelihoods are at stake, InterSystems is the power behind what matters™. Founded in 1978, InterSystems is a privately held company headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA), with offices worldwide, and its software products are used daily by millions of people in more than 80 countries. For more information, visit

About J2 Interactive

J2 Interactive is an award-winning healthcare IT services firm whose deep expertise in application development, interoperability, and analytics drives innovations in health information exchange, patient engagement, and population health. Founded in 2001, J2 has established a reputation as one of the leading providers of customized technology solutions to hospitals, labs, research centers, and HIEs. J2’s approach is rooted in a fundamental belief that systems succeed or fail based on how well they serve the people who depend upon them. Visit and follow them on Twitter @j2_interactive.


Greater Houston Healthconnect PR Contact:

Junaid Husain
Greater Houston Healthconnect

InterSystems PR Contact: Brittany Busso
InkHouse PR

J2 Interactive Contact: Jen Carter
J2 Interactive

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