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InterSystems and Olympus Introduce New Endoscopy Integration Capabilities

Knowledge Exchange offering powered by HealthShare helps hospitals and endoscopy centers realize full value of EMR investments

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., and CENTER VALLEY, Pa.,—April 19, 2018 — Olympus, a global technology leader in designing and delivering innovative solutions for medical and surgical procedures, among other core businesses, is enhancing the capabilities of its Knowledge Exchange System (KE) offering through the implementation of InterSystems HealthShare®. Users of the KE HL7 module will now be able to share images taken during endoscopy procedures across healthcare systems with the click of a mouse, improving care coordination and quality control across the healthcare ecosystem.

Olympus KE is a next-generation software platform offering facilities centralized reprocessing record and image management through expanded connectivity of Olympus devices. Previously, when images were taken during endoscopy procedures, physicians would need to download the files to an external device to be shared with the patient and other providers. By leveraging HealthShare, physicians are now able to seamlessly connect to a facility’s electronic medical record (EMR) and PACS systems to store and share imaging files.

“Hospitals have invested millions of dollars in the implementation of EMRs. But, they still haven’t realized the full value of the systems, particularly when it comes to sharing information across disparate sources,” said Kurt Heine, Group Vice President of the Endoscopy Division at Olympus America Inc. “With the addition of HealthShare, Olympus KE eliminates a major barrier to data integration, allowing physicians to provide better care to patients by accessing a more complete health record.”

Removing the need to have physical media to share patient health data saves time and gives physicians access to the full patient picture sooner. When integrated with HealthShare, Olympus KE simplifies the process of sharing data, and improves the quality of patient care. There are also fewer patient privacy concerns, as the information is contained in the data archive and is not physically transported through the healthcare facility.

“We’re entering the ‘Golden Age of Interoperability,’ where the solutions offered by technology providers such as Olympus and InterSystems allow hospitals to take full advantage of the promise of information sharing,” said Don Woodlock, vice president of HealthShare, InterSystems. “Together, both organizations are bringing next-generation care delivery to the forefront.”

About InterSystems

InterSystems is the engine behind the world’s most important applications. In health care, finance, government, and other sectors where lives and livelihoods are at stake, InterSystems is the power behind what mattersTM. Founded in 1978, InterSystems is a privately held company headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA), with offices worldwide, and its software products are used daily by millions of people in more than 80 countries. For more information, visit

About Olympus Medical Systems Group

Olympus is a global technology leader, crafting innovative optical and digital solutions in medical technologies; life sciences; industrial solutions; and cameras and audio products. Throughout our nearly 100-year history, Olympus has focused on being true to society and making people’s lives healthier, safer and more fulfilling.

Our Medical Business works with health care professionals to combine our innovative capabilities in medical technology, therapeutic intervention, and precision manufacturing with their skills to deliver diagnostic, therapeutic and minimally invasive procedures to improve clinical outcomes, reduce overall costs and enhance quality of life for patients. For more information, visit

PR Contacts:

 InterSystems: Brittany Busso
InkHouse PR

Monica Campion Olympus Corporation of the Americas
Manager, PR & Communications

Copyright © InterSystems Corporation 1996 – 2018. All rights reserved.


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