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InterSystems IRIS for Health Empowers MediWay Technology to Accelerate the Digital Transformation of Healthcare in China

Scalable and Interoperable iMedical Cloud Healthcare Information System Supports Regional Collaboration, Information Sharing, and Increased Use of Big Data

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BEIJING-March 29, 2019- InterSystems, a global leader in information technology platforms for health, business and government applications, today announced that MediWay Technology, one of the largest healthcare software companies in China, has built and deployed its new iMedical Cloud healthcare IT ecosystem platform using InterSystems IRIS for Health™.

IRIS for Health, the only unified data platform engineered specifically for healthcare, empowers MediWay to support all stakeholders in the Chinese healthcare system – including government, healthcare organizations, and consumers – in an environment where medical reform policies are driving increased collaboration, information sharing, and use of big data.

MediWay’s iMedical healthcare information system (HIS) is used by around 500 healthcare organizations, including more than 300 tertiary hospitals and 30 top-100 hospitals in China. To accelerate the digital transformation of healthcare, however, MediWay and its partner Tencent Cloud require higher levels of accessibility, scalability, and interoperability.

Two iMedical Cloud applications, available to all healthcare stakeholders hosted on Tencent Cloud, have been launched with two core functionalities – transactional cloud collaboration (Cloud HIS) and data cloud collaboration (HealthChain). iMedical Cloud can be used within a region for real-time healthcare information exchange, centralized management control, and unified allocation of resources. IRIS for Health supports the vastly increased data volumes required with features like sharding. This distributes data across a number of cloud-based servers to provide flexible, inexpensive performance scaling.

“A cloud solution solves many pain points in healthcare," said William Han, Chairman and CEO of MediWay Technology. “For example, it can provide a healthcare information system for county clinics, community healthcare centers and small-to-medium sized hospitals without the need for computer rooms, local servers, or maintenance staff. By supporting our strategic pivot, InterSystems and its IRIS for Health technology have yet again shown the true partnership we’ve come to expect after 20 years of collaboration."

IRIS for Health empowers healthcare organizations with a unified data platform that combines analytical and transaction processing with native interoperability for all data types, including seamless transitions between healthcare-specific standards such as HL7 FHIR (Health Level Seven Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources).

IRIS for Health’s support for cloud-first development using container technology also allows MediWay Technology to take full advantage of the strategic partnership between its parent company, DHC Software, and Tencent Cloud. This enables MediWay to continue to integrate technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, and speech input with its cloud-based healthcare solution.

DHC Software became one of InterSystems’ first partners in China more than 20 years ago, and developed the original iMedical hospital information system on InterSystems data platforms.

“During two decades of partnership, InterSystems has witnessed the fast growth of DHC Software and MediWay Technology, and we are very proud to see our latest data platform technology empower them to accelerate the digital transformation of healthcare," said Luciano Brustia, Country Manager for Australia and Greater China, InterSystems. “InterSystems and our partners are committed to implementing the medical reform policies in China by promoting new healthcare approaches such as consortiums, making sure that each and every citizen benefits from better healthcare services and a healthy future."

About MediWay Technology
MediWay Technology Co., Ltd. was incorporated in 2012, with a registered capital of RMB 100 million. It has a workforce numbering 2,200, and its predecessor is the Healthcare Business Unit of DHC Software founded in 1999. Over the past 20 years or so, MediWay has provided more than 500 hospitals, hospital consortiums, insurers, health commissions, social security bureaus and other relevant institutions with a variety of products and solutions, including the smart hospital solutions family, regional healthcare solutions family, Internet-based healthcare solutions family, and integrated Medicare payment and cost control solutions family. MediWay makes the most of the latest IT technologies to create and update its portfolios of products and solutions, is committed to achieving software as a service, and leverages its new thinking and ideas to support a sustainable healthcare industry.

About InterSystems
InterSystems is the engine behind the world’s most important applications. In healthcare, finance, government, and other sectors where lives and livelihoods are at stake, InterSystems is the power behind what matters™. Founded in 1978, InterSystems is a privately held company headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA), with offices worldwide, and its software products are used daily by millions of people in more than 80 countries. For more information, visit


Jackie D’Andrea
InkHouse PR

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