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InterSystems Partners with Cognetivity on Ground-breaking AI Solution for Early Dementia Detection

Cognetivity’s highly innovative solution uses the advanced data capabilities of InterSystems IRIS for Health platform to achieve critical integration with the NHS IT systems

ETON, United Kingdom, May 6, 2021 -- InterSystems, an innovative data technology provider dedicated to helping customers solve the most critical data and information challenges, is partnering with Cognetivity to support its ground-breaking solution that uses AI to detect dementia up to 15 years earlier than conventional methods.

Cognetivity deploys the advanced data management and integration capabilities of  InterSystems IRIS for Health, to power the clinical effectiveness of its cutting-edge Integrated Cognitive Assessment (ICA), a unique approach to the detection of dementia that tests how the brain reacts to certain types of images.

Dementia is a major disease afflicting 54 million people, set to rise to 130 million by 2050, with the US Alzheimer’s Association estimating early diagnosis of people with mild cognitive impairment could save more than $7 trillion in health and care costs.

Simple, non-invasive and conducted on an Apple iPad tablet, the Cognetivity ICA detects the earliest signs of disease before the onset of memory symptoms. It has the potential to transform treatment and care for millions of dementia sufferers around the globe, by enabling earlier intervention to delay onset and reduce mortality.

Approved by the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency and already deployed with North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust, the Cognetivity ICA is currently the subject of a UK government-funded study in collaboration with the Sussex Partnership NHS Trust and Alzheimer’s Research UK. This has expanded to provide iPads to participants’ homes, enabling them to conduct the test remotely, which reduces risk of exposure to Covid-19 and saves time for NHS clinicians.

InterSystems IRIS for Health data platform is specifically engineered to extract value from healthcare data. It facilitates the seamless integration of proprietary data with the masses of clinical data that already exist, achieving full compliance with mandatory data standards, such as HL7 V2 and Fast Health Interoperability Standards (FHIR™) in the NHS, which govern interoperability.

InterSystems IRIS for Health will facilitate the integration of the Cognetivity ICA platform with the incumbent healthcare data systems, ensuring that critical information gets to the right person at the right time, a crucial element required for efficient adoption and effective decision-making.

Jonathan El-Sharkawy, Chief Technology Officer, Cognetivity, said: “The unique data management and integration capabilities of InterSystems IRIS platform are essential to what we do. They give us the interoperability and agility our cutting-edge technology requires to help transform dementia care pathways right across the NHS and to meet the accelerating demand for telemedicine and remote tools.”

A Cloud-based data platform, InterSystems IRIS for Health deploys on all major public Clouds and supports multi-cloud and hybrid environments. It eliminates the need to integrate multiple technologies and makes it easier to build high-performance, machine learning-enabled applications that connect data and application silos.

About InterSystems

Established in 1978, InterSystems is the leading provider of data technology for extremely critical data in the healthcare, finance, and logistics sectors. Its cloud-first data platforms solve interoperability, speed, and scalability problems for large organizations around the globe. InterSystems also develops and supports unique managed services for hospital EMRs, unified care records for communities and nations, and laboratory information management systems. InterSystems is committed to excellence through its award-winning, 24×7 support for customers and partners in more than 80 countries. Privately held and headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, InterSystems has 25 offices worldwide. For more information, please visit

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