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InterSystems Partners with the Rhodes Group to Improve Hepatitis C Treatment in New Mexico

Analytics based on InterSystems IRIS for Health™ enables providers to easily access and understand patients with Hepatitis C to streamline treatments and outcomes

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 26, 2022 — InterSystems, a provider of next-generation solutions for enterprise digital transformation to help customers solve the most critical data challenges, today announced the next phase of its partnership with the Rhodes Group: to improve Hepatitis C treatments in the state of New Mexico with innovative analytics that aggregate, sort, and present a patient’s status with one click. As part of the initiative, the Rhodes Group leveraged InterSystems IRIS for Health™ to create unified views of patient data and translate lab results into actionable insights for providers – leading to better treatment of Hepatitis C patients.

InterSystems IRIS for Health is a data platform developed specifically for extracting value from healthcare data. Rhodes Group, a software services company supporting labs and health systems, uses the interoperability and high-performance data management capabilities of the platform to take in Hepatitis C information from laboratories across the state and present it in an easily digestible format to be sent back to the New Mexico State Health Information Exchange (HIE), SYNCRONYS. Providers can now easily log in to a single source and render a patient profile from the HIE to access their complete Hepatitis C status and history. This enables better data collection and analysis of cases in the state and empowers providers to treat – and cure – patients living with this disease.

New Mexico has one of the largest populations in the nation of individuals infected with the Hepatitis C virus (HCV). There are roughly 45,000 living with the chronic infection, and nearly half of them are unaware that they have the disease, according to a profile of the epidemic by the New Mexico Department of Health. Although treatments for HCV remain expensive, the cost pales in comparison to liver transplants, which are an inevitable consequence of prolonged, untreated disease.

To address this, New Mexico has accelerated its efforts to treat HCV through a Uniform HCV Checklist, which requires providers to retrieve patients’ laboratory data. The Rhodes Group innovative HCV Summary tool streamlines this process and enhances the clinical utility of the data by aggregating, sorting, and immediately displaying the patient’s Hepatitis C laboratory and medication data in one click.

“When a state is faced with a complex public health challenge, it’s important to make health information sharing as seamless as possible,” said Don Woodlock, Head of Healthcare Solutions at InterSystems. “Easy access to accurate data and comprehensive analysis of patient profiles can help clinicians determine the most effective treatment plan. We’re proud to partner with the Rhodes Group to harness data more effectively for the benefit of the citizens of New Mexico.”

“The outbreak of Hepatitis C cases in New Mexico over the years has become a serious problem for the community,” said James Brown, CEO of Rhodes Group. “Better diagnosis and treatment requires an individual’s longitudinal lab data, and our solution is delivering. The initial project doubled the number of known Hepatitis C cases and enables a provider to understand their patient’s condition in one click. What’s more, state public health officials can now see treatment and case trends to understand this epidemic in near real-time. Thanks to the nimbleness and connectivity options within InterSystems IRIS for Health, we are now providing accurate and complete data to ensure better overall treatment of patients – a big lift that we achieved on time and on budget.”

For more information on InterSystems IRIS for Health and how it can support your organization extract value from data, visit:

About InterSystems
Established in 1978, InterSystems provides innovative data solutions for organizations with critical information needs in the healthcare, finance, and logistics sectors and beyond. Our cloud-first data platforms solve interoperability, speed, and scalability problems for organizations around the globe. InterSystems also develops and supports data management in hospitals through the world’s most proven electronic medical record, as well as unified care records for health systems and governments through a powerful suite of healthcare data integration solutions. The company is committed to excellence through its award-winning, 24×7 support for customers and partners in more than 80 countries. Privately held and headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, InterSystems has 25 offices worldwide. For more information, please visit

About Rhodes Group
Rhodes Group, founded in 2000, provides laboratory software solutions and consulting services to improve the effectiveness of pre-analytical, post-analytical and revenue cycle management processes. C21 is Rhodes’ LIS-neutral 21st Century Lab IT infrastructure that optimizes laboratory operations and clinical diagnostics to help labs address the challenges of today and prepare for the future. The Rhodes Group team brings more than 100 years of laboratory and technology experience to help labs significantly reduce costs, improve patient outcomes, and navigate the new Lab marketplace. For more information, visit

InterSystems PR Contact:

Jackie D’Andrea
Inkhouse PR

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