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Northern Territory Selects InterSystems to Implement Single Digital Medical Record for All Territorians

Implementation will make NT first Australian state or territory with a unified ICT solution across public health

SYDNEY, June 26, 2017 – InterSystems today announced that the Northern Territory Government (NTG) has chosen to implement InterSystems TrakCare® for its Core Clinical Systems Renewal Program (CCSRP).

The selection of the InterSystems solution is the outcome of an open, competitive tender that was managed by the NTG Department of Corporate and Information Services.  InterSystems TrakCare unified clinical information system will be implemented at every point of care across all public health facilities, including the five existing public hospitals, the new Palmerston Regional Hospital (to be completed in 2018), 54 remote health centres and all community-based health services, including the most remote locations of the 1.3-million-sq.-km. territory.

Through this agreement, the Northern Territory will become the first Australian state or territory with a single system for all of its public healthcare sites.  CCSRP is the “largest ever” IT reform in the Territory, according to health minister Natasha Fyles, and is designed to improve health outcomes for all Territorians by promoting efficiency, effectiveness and integration throughout the public healthcare system.

InterSystems will deploy TrakCare on its HealthShare platform, and clinicians at remote locations—even if they have intermittent Internet access–will be able to use TrakCare to manage a cohort of patients on disconnected devices and upload changes when they regain connectivity.

The Northern Territory Department of Health, or NT Health, aims to deliver better overall experiences for every Territorian through a single, end-to-end patient information system to coordinate care.

The availability of a single record, with all relevant information provided to authorised users and clients, both at the point of care and for the planning and review of client care, is critical to consistent, high-quality care.

“InterSystems is proud to support this major initiative to improve the public health system,” said Steve Garrington, vice president of international business for InterSystems. “Key to our partnership with NTG and future service excellence is the implementation of one information system suitable for hospitals, non-acute facilities and primary care centres. There will be challenges, with some very remote sites, which we look forward to overcoming through our long term engagement and collaboration with NT Health.”

“InterSystems was selected as the preferred provider, among highly competitive international vendors, through a robust procurement process which was supported by a wider group of frontline NT Heath Staff,” said Associate Professor Nadarajah Kangaharan, Clinical Sponsor for the CCSRP.  “As Australia’s first end-to-end fully integrated ICT solution, once implemented, it is expected to support a highly efficient, safe and quality healthcare delivery to Territorians with ability to monitor clinical outcomes.”

About InterSystems

InterSystems is the engine behind the world’s most important applications. In healthcare, finance, government, and other sectors where lives and livelihoods are at stake, InterSystems is the power behind what matters. Founded in 1978, InterSystems is a privately held company headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA), with offices worldwide, and its software products are used daily by millions of people in more than 80 countries. For more information, visit

Media Contact:
Chris Bowes
Bowes Communications
+61 2 9387 2332


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