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Data is the Fuel

InterSystems makes it faster and easier for our partners to harness all the data generated by the modern world — which enables, and empowers, better decisions by humans and machines.

Together, we see data for what it is: Not merely as information that needs to be sorted, but as fuel to propel us into a better future.



Sumber Daya Terkait

08 February, 2025
A Strategic Guide for Health Tech Firms Facing the Interoperability Trilemma
08 February, 2025
White Paper
Revolutionizing How You Use Health Data
21 November, 2024
Make Your HIE Vision a Reality
Specifying Requirements, Evaluating Technologies, and Selecting Partners Download the Planning Guide
09 November, 2024
Forrester Research
InterSystems Positioned as a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Translytical Data Platforms, Q4 2024, recognizing and evaluating comprehensive real-time transactional-analytical (“translytical”) capabilities
02 February, 2024
True Interoperability with the 3Cs
InterSystems supports child welfare agencies in their modernization efforts with true interoperability with the 3Cs – Connectivity, Compatibility, and Context.
06 October, 2023
InterSystems proven technology is used today to replicate data from an operational production system to a “reporting node,” where it can be queried and analyzed without impacting the operational system.
05 June, 2023
Improved Citizen Support with Supply Chain Visibility and AI/ML-Driven Augmented Decision Support
Government agencies are engaged with supply chains from multiple perspectives, including:
26 March, 2021
An enterprise data fabric is a new architectural approach that speeds and simplifies access to data assets across the entire business. It accesses, transforms, and harmonizes data from multiple sources, on demand, to make it usable and actionable for a wide variety of business applications.
11 February, 2021
API Platform
State and local governments today strive to transform their operations to break down silos, improve interagency collaboration and communication, and delight their citizens with access to streamlined and automated services. Unfortunately, transforming government operations can be like trying to turn an aircraft carrier— a slow, laborious process. When it comes to technology, public agencies and institutions are often committed to information systems that have been running for decades. Such legacy systems present daunting challenges to the goals of automation and digital transformation.
17 September, 2020
Public Safety
Data Management Challenges in Public Safety Today more than ever before, public safety organizations worldwide are challenged to deliver top levels of service with shrinking resources. The effective use of information technology can help law enforcement, criminal justice, emergency response, and other public safety organizations meet their goals efficiently. Yet many organizations still struggle to reach their most mission-critical technology goals, including:

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