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InterSystems is Recognized as a Leader in The Forrester Wave: Translytical Data Platform

Forrester Research

InterSystems IRIS has comprehensive translytical capabilities proven at a massive scale, and its integrated development environment shines.

Forrester Wave™ Translytical Data Platform - Q4 2022
*A grey bubble or open dot indicates a nonparticpating vendor
Forrester Wave™ Translytical Data Platform - Q4 2022

Forrester defines translytical platforms as next-generation data platforms built on a single database engine to support multiple data types and data models. As a result of these trends, translytical data platform customers should look for providers that:

  • Accelerate use cases through developer tools and solutions.  
  • Deliver comprehensive data management capabilities to support broader use cases.  
  • Offer tunable workload management to scale and optimize performance.  
The Forrester Wave™: Translytical Data Platforms, Q4 2022

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