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iPhone Health Records Now Available for U.K. TrakCare Users

Apple Health Records

Health institutions using InterSystems TrakCare® in the United Kingdom can now offer patients access to medical data on their iPhone via the new Apple Health Records feature. Health Records is part of the Apple Health app, which also shows activity, heart rate, nutrition, sleep, and other health data consolidated from iPhone, Apple Watch, and HealthKit-enabled third-party apps.

smart watch screen showing various apps

“Making data more accessible through interoperability is a core tenet of the InterSystems product strategy,” says Don Woodlock, head of Healthcare Solutions at InterSystems. “Through this integration with Apple’s Health Records on iPhone feature, we are providing TrakCare users with the capabilities they need to put health and care information directly into the hands of the patients they care for, all with privacy at the center of the experience.”

The InterSystems API (application programming interface) is built using InterSystems IRIS for Health™ and will be offered to TrakCare clients initially but will soon be made available to users of the InterSystems HealthShare® suite of connected care solutions and InterSystems IRIS for Health. InterSystems has partnered with several early adopter health systems in the United Kingdom to validate the API and is ready to move to production quickly.

Health Records on iPhone was designed to protect patients’ privacy through a direct, encrypted connection between the user’s iPhone and the healthcare organization. Health records data is stored on-device and encrypted with the user’s iPhone passcode, Touch ID, or Face ID. Apple worked with the healthcare community to take a consumer-friendly approach, creating Health Records based on FHIR® (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources).

Read InterSystems’ Press Release .


This story originally appeared the November 6, 2020- OnTrak News Flash No.6

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