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InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator

Technology Guide

overhead view of shipping container dock

Enabling Systems Integrators and Application Software Developers to Deliver Highly Customized Intelligent Supply Chain Applications

Data is the lifeblood of every supply chain organization; as data grows, so too does the prevalence of data silos. Organizations are striving to gain a competitive edge, deliver value to customers, reduce risk, respond more quickly to the needs of the business, and out-innovate the competition, but accessing, integrating, and leveraging data from internal and external data sources is a challenge.

Most companies today have many systems in place to support their supply chain practices, such as ERP, OMS, TMS, WMS, etc. One common challenge frequently faced is the lack of end-to-end supply chain visibility due to siloed data captured by each system. When supply chain disruptions take place, the resolution may depend on different systems working together and sharing real-time data across systems. Supply chain organizations need easy access to a single view of accurate, current, consistent, and trusted data. However, the increasing complexity and number of data sources and data volumes make this difficult to achieve in practice.

This technology guide is intended for systems integrators and application software developers that require a proven supply chain decision intelligence platform that can be easily customized for their customers’ specific challenges, to optimize supply chain operations in response to real time supply chain disruptions, while complementing all of their customers’ existing applications and data silos. Learn how InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator™ provides four embedded technologies acting as one platform, within one product, to accelerate time to value and lower total cost of ownership.

In the Technology Guide, you will learn more about:

  • A Smarter Approach to Data Management
  • Supply Chain Orchestrator Cuts Through Complexity
  • Supply Chain Orchestrator Functional Components
  • Foundational Data Management Capabilities
  • Application Partner Use Cases

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