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Offerte di corsi

Trova una lista completa delle nostre offerte di corsi qui sotto, o guarda il programma attuale dei corsi.

07 feb 2024
Creare, configurare e gestire le interfacce HL7® V2 utilizzando le tecnologie di integrazione di InterSystems
20 nov 2023
InterSystems IRIS, Ensemble, HealthShare, HL7, Integration Engine, Interoperability, EAI
Private Course Only
20 nov 2023
HealthShare, IHE
Private Course Only
20 nov 2023
InterSystems IRIS, Ensemble, HealthShare, Caché, HL7, DTL, Integration Engine, Interoperability, EAI
Private Course Only
20 nov 2023
InterSystems IRIS, Ensemble, HealthShare, Caché, Studio, InterSystems ObjectScript, Business Process Language, Integration Engine, EAI, Data Transformations, BPL, Business Processing Models, Dashboards, Workflow
Private Course Only
07 feb 2024
Utilizzare gli strumenti e le tecniche di sviluppo di InterSystems Objects e InterSystems SQL
20 nov 2023
HealthShare, Master Patient Index (MPI)
20 nov 2023
Learn the architecture, configuration, and management of HealthShare Unified Care Record®
20 nov 2023
Overview of HealthShare Unified Care Record® architecture, data flows, consent, and notifications
20 nov 2023
Use InterSystems Change Control Record (CCR) to progress code changes and debug problems
20 nov 2023
InterSystems IRIS, Ensemble, HealthShare, Integration Engine
Private Course Only
20 nov 2023
Configure, manage, plan, and monitor system operations of InterSystems Data Platform technology
20 nov 2023
InterSystems IRIS, Caché, Architecture, Security, Roles, Resources, Users, System Diagnostics, Backups, High Availability, Performance
Private Course Only
20 nov 2023
Embed analytics capabilities in applications and create the supporting business intelligence cubes

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