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InterSystems FHIR Cloud Services

Rapidly access & use FHIR data without the need to create your own FHIR computing infrastructure
The Future of Care Begins with InterSystems and FHIR
HL7® FHIR® lets you share discrete health data across different information systems. But to put FHIR into action you need more than just the standard itself.

Without the right partner, infrastructure requirements, implementation nuances, data privacy concerns, and server reliability constraints can impair your FHIR development and integration efforts, and stall FHIR initiatives.

Keeping It Simple For You

InterSystems FHIR® Cloud Services help you leverage all the healthcare data you need, from diverse sources, while InterSystems provides, maintains, and manages the high performance, highly reliable FHIR computing infrastructure to make it all work.
InterSystems FHIR Server provides an easy to use, secure, and scalable repository for storing and sharing healthcare data. With minimal configuration, an enterprise-grade FHIR server can be ready to use in minutes, leaving security, backups, and management to InterSystems.

InterSystems FHIR Server is built on InterSystems IRIS for Health data platform, the leader in high performance, scalability, and reliability.
While the FHIR standard is the future of healthcare interoperability, most health information is still in other, older data formats. InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service bridges past and future to unlock the value of all your data. This tool can automatically convert data from HL7 V2 to FHIR and populate it into Amazon HealthLake or any other FHIR server using collections, transactions, messages, and documents. Once your data is loaded, you can transform, query, and analyze it at scale to gain insights and improve patient care.

Experiment with FHIR

We have a fully functional, containerized online lab experience running on InterSystems IRIS for Health data platform where you can explore FHIR. Use our FHIR Integration QuickStart to get started. Or download the no-cost Community Edition of InterSystems IRIS for Health to test drive the product and start developing FHIR solutions today.
Get an introduction to the HL7® FHIR® standard as you learn why it was created and see the major elements that make up this highly interoperable healthcare data standard.
26 Jan 2023
Are you a FHIR expert?

Take a short quiz to test your FHIR knowledge.
Portrait of smiling nurse at a nurses' station in hospital

In qualità di leader nella tecnologia dei dati sanitari e nell'interoperabilità basata su standard, ci impegniamo ad affrontare le vostre sfide attraverso soluzioni basate su FHIR, tra cui:

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Utilizzo di Intelligenza Artificiale Generativa per supportare l'utente nell'uso di FHIR
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Trasformazione e integrazione dei dati legacy
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Integrazione perfetta con le pipeline cloud tramite API
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Costruzione di soluzioni e interfacce FHIR utilizzando il nostro FHIR Server come piattaforma e modello di oggetti
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Scambio massivo di dati FHIR
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Analisi e business intelligence con FHIR
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Accesso alle cartelle cliniche dei pazienti
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Ricerca clinica, comprese funzionalità come FHIR a OMOP

FHIR Success Stories

21 Dec 2022
ROI and a Healthier Population
The Rhodes Group HCV algorithm and communications using InterSystems HealthShare helps New Mexico managed care organizations avoid millions of dollars in penalties for missing HCV treatment targets
31 Aug 2023
Healthcare Providers
Surprisingly, the top three indicators of life expectancy in the U.S. for a given population are per capita nursing home residency, mental health challenges, and prevalence of tooth loss¹. The income level, access to care, stress, and other social factors behind these indicators have a greater impact on health than genetics or access to healthcare services². However, historically, social determinants of health have not received enough attention in clinical care.
12 Oct 2022
With Smart Consumer Technology, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HL7 FHIR
Getting enough people to enroll and participate to the end of a clinical study is a major challenge. Most studies fail to enroll enough subjects to even begin. And if you can’t enroll enough people, you certainly can’t gather enough data to ensure statistically sound results.
04 Nov 2022
eConsult is improving the delivery and efficiency of primary, emergency, and outpatient care at the UK NHS with InterSystems IRIS for Health.
28 Oct 2021
XchangeworX has been developing cloud software and applications on InterSystems products since its beginning, and is now leveraging InterSystems HealthShare and InterSystems IRIS for Health to build its latest SMART on FHIR technologies.
04 Nov 2022
Inpatient-level of Care at Home
A private hospital group in the Middle East is bringing the hospital to patients at home. The care team uses in-home devices to monitor patients and a phone app to deliver device and patient-generated data to its EMR. The physicians and nurses making virtual house calls have all the information they need, using familiar software, for optimal, personalized care.

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