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Connect Data and Application Silos to Accelerate Business Insights at Scale

Accelerate Business Insights

The explosion of business systems and processes and their resulting data silos has made an overarching view of enterprise information more challenging than ever. Join two data management industry veterans as they discuss the latest progress in data management technology, working with transactional AND analytic data, and how the financial services industry is addressing challenges to speed insight and innovation.



Dave Mariani, Co-Founder & CTO, AtScale

Founded in 2013, AtScale is the business insight engine for the cloud-first enterprise, empowering analysts and data scientists to simplify and accelerate business insight programs globally. Enterprises like JPMC, Visa, Bloomberg, United Healthcare, Cigna, Kohls, Home Depot, Wayfair and Toyota all use AtScale to make data "analytics ready" for their employees and partners. Prior to AtScale, Dave Mariani ran data and analytics for Yahoo! where he pioneered the development of Hadoop for analytics and created the world's largest multi-dimensional analytics platform.

Scott Gnau, Vice President, Data Platforms, InterSystems

InterSystems is an innovative data technology provider dedicated to helping customers solve the most critical information challenges. At InterSystems, Scott Gnau oversees the development, management, and sales of the InterSystems IRIS® family of data platforms.He has more than 30 years of experience in the data management space helping lead technology and data architecture initiatives for enterprise-level organizations, including HortonWorks, where he served as chief technology officer and Teradata where he served in increasingly senior roles, including president of Teradata Labs.


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