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Ultimate Control Tower Actionable Insights Powered by InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator

Supply Chain

Logistics and distribution industry - man looking over body of water at port city

Most companies face supply chain challenges because they lack visibility, timely access to data, and the ability to make informed decisions. The need for a “sense and respond” solution has never been more critical. This leads most supply chain practitioners to ask, “How can we leverage data from our dynamic supply chain to make prescriptive decisions that impact our organization?”

InterSystems has the answer. In today’s world, accurate, real-time, usable data is essential to running an effective supply chain. At InterSystems, we believe in providing a platform that efficiently accesses the data, moves it through a user-driven intelligent engine, and identifies critical problems in the form of exceptions and prescriptive solutions for action.

Today, InterSystems is helping supply chain customers in the retail, consumer packaged goods (CPG), manufacturing, and healthcare sectors. Our solution provides unparalleled real-time orchestration.

InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator Provides Control Tower Insights
What is a Control Tower?
A control tower provides predictive and prescriptive actionable insights that address disruptions and constraints along the entire supply chain. An ultimate control tower is also used to:
  • Improve time to decision in the most optimal, operationally efficient, and collaborative manner.
  • Enable optimized supply chain orchestration by providing end-to-end visibility (“see”), data-driven insights (“understand”), end-to-end prediction and orchestration (“optimize”) and ultimately, end-to-end aligned decision making (“act”).
  • Provide powerful analytics capabilities that incorporate actionable insights into supply chains across the global ecosystem by combining four key capabilities into a single capability, applicable to any use case.

Supply Chain Business Challenges

  • Lack of accurate end-to-end visibility and reporting
  • Data silos, along with difficulty integrating and normalizing disparate data
  • Difficulty performing analytics to support the business in a timely manner
  • Challenges with data latency
  • Significant manual processes require data manipulation and corrections
  • Delays in assessing supply chain disruptions in real time with actionable insights and prescriptive analytics

Solution We Provide

InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator™ is a next-generation data platform for implementing smart enterprise data fabric architectures. It provides real-time, intelligent, actionable insights into supply chain information, disruptions and constraints across the entire enterprise and global ecosystem, accelerating time to value.

Where We Provide the Most Impact


  • Integrated Business Planning
  • Demand/Forecasting
  • Supply/Production
  • Inventory
  • Capacity Planning


  • Sourcing
  • Strategies
  • Supplier Selection
  • Supplier Performance


  • Lean Operations
  • Performance and Yield Improvement
  • Digital Twins
  • Robotics


  • Logistics Operations
  • Distribution/Fulfillment
  • DC Optimization
  • Replenishment


  • Repair Operations
  • Service Parts Management
  • Distribution

Digital Supply Chain Collaboration
Sources: Deloitte Consulting, LLC and the Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM), Digital Capabilities Model (DCM) for Supply Networks, 2019

InterSystems Worldwide

  • Leading provider of data technology for extremely critical data in the supply chain across healthcare, manufacturing, retail, and CPG sectors
  • Recognized by Forrester, Gartner Peer Insights, Gartner Magic Quadrant, and IDC as a leader in the industry
  • Award-winning, 24/7 support for customers and partners in more than 80 countries
  • Privately held, stable, and profitable business built on partnerships since 1978
  • Unparalleled performance, scalability, interoperability, reliability, and flexibility
  • Offices in 26 countries

Our Key Benefits

  • One platform that provides an infrastructure-agnostic single pane of glass
  • No expensive tools to buy or integrate to get started
  • Smart enterprise data fabric architectures
  • Extremely fast “time to value”
  • Adaptive Analytics services with embedded business intelligence solutions
  • Lets you start anywhere in your supply chain and grow as needed
  • Enables real-time and low-latency applications flexible user interface
  • Provides proven, mission-critical reliability
  • Simplifies owners’ TCO; highly resource-efficient

Learn more about optimizing supply chains worldwide.

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