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The Forrester Wave: Data Management for Analytics, Q1 2023

Forrester Research

InterSystems Positioned as a Strong Performer in The Forrester Wave™: Data Management for Analytics , Q1 2023

Forrester Wave graphic; InterSystems positioned as strong performer

The Forrester Wave Data Management for Analytics, Q1 2023 report evaluated vendors based on 26 criteria that include architecture and data modeling capabilities, performance, scale, and use cases. InterSystems debuts in the report with cited strengths in performance, data integration, and deployment options.

InterSystems was named as a Strong Performer and received the highest scores possible in four criteria, including product vision. Note that not all of the criteria are included in the Wave report. There is a separate, accompanying spreadsheet published by Forrester which includes all of the criteria.

Read the Forrester Wave Report

The report recognizes InterSystems IRIS data platform for “comprehensive [data management for analytics] capabilities that are proven at massive scale” and strengths in performance, data integration, and deployment options. The report notes that the company is “a good fit for large companies looking for a high-performance DMA solution across several key use cases that want to extend their architecture toward data fabric.”

InterSystems IRIS data platform combines operational, analytical, and data fabric capabilities with a comprehensive interoperability platform to deliver high performance for real time analytics and mission-critical applications.

Read the Forrester Wave Report

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