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InterSystems IRIS AWS Data Platform Managed Service

Managed Services for AWS

InterSystems IRIS® is a complete data platform that makes it easier to build high-performance, machine learning-enabled applications that connect data and application silos. It provides high-performance database management, interoperability, and analytics capabilities, all built-in from the ground up to speed and simplify customers’ most demanding data-intensive applications.

As a complete, cloud-first data platform, InterSystems IRIS eliminates the need to integrate multiple technologies, resulting in less code, fewer system resources, less maintenance, and higher ROI.

InterSystems provides a high-touch managed service for InterSystems IRIS, leveraging the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform and the customers’ AWS account. The InterSystems IRIS Data Platform Managed Service enables customers’ to fully leverage all of the powerful capabilities of InterSystems IRIS running in the AWS cloud, without any of the responsibilities for setup, ongoing operation, monitoring, reporting, high availability, disaster recovery, data security, or software updates.

The high-touch managed service includes all of the following capabilities:


  • AWS infrastructure sizing and deployment
  • InterSystems IRIS deployment

Ongoing Operations

  • Scheduled backups to AWS storage and backup success monitoring
  • Customer self-service backup and restore capability
  • Scheduled database integrity checks, success monitoring, and remediation


  • InterSystems IRIS alert configuration, monitoring, and remediation
  • AWS platform alert configuration and monitoring


  • Service overview reporting
  • Incident reporting
  • Operational best practices reporting
  • Security best practices reporting
  • Capacity reporting

Disaster Recovery

  • High availability InterSystems IRIS mirroring and disaster recovery

Data Security

  • Database encryption for data in transit and at rest
  • Authentication, authorization, and auditing

Software Updates

  • InterSystems IRIS security patch installation
  • InterSystems IRIS software upgrades


  • Full InterSystems service desk support
  • Incident management
  • 24/7/365 InterSystems support via email, chat, phone, web

In addition to the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform Managed Service for Amazon Web Services, InterSystems IRIS supports all major development and deployment environments, allowing developers and operations teams to work in their environments of choice.

InterSystems IRIS integrates seamlessly into existing infrastructures and with best-of-breed technologies to support the widest range of customer environments and application requirements.

Deployment options include all major public clouds including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Tencent Cloud, private clouds, on premises, hybrid, bare metal, and virtual machine environments, all with a single API without requiring changes to the applications.

For more information, contact


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