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MSC’s Digital Transformation Journey

Digital Transformation


Presented by Mr. Fabio Catassi
Global Chief Technology Officer MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company
Director at MSC Technology

Mr. Catassi has been with MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company since 1995.

In his role as Global Chief Technology Officer for MSC, Mr. Catassi has overall responsibility of the IT organization including Infrastructure, Development and Security both for MSC headquarters in Geneva and the network of its Agencies.

As part of the Digital Transformation of the MSC Cargo Division, Mr. Catassi leads the OneVision project whose goal is to create an advanced set of solutions aimed to the MSC organization and its Customers.

Formerly President and CEO of MSC Technology (North America) based in Warren NJ, Mr. Catassi is now one of its Board Members and supervises the OneVision team in MSC Technology (India).

From 2014 to 2016, Mr. Catassi was a Board Member Advisor for INTTRA, a provider of software solutions and services to a variety of shippers and carriers in the maritime industry.

Prior to joining MSC, Mr. Catassi worked as Managing Director of CSI Technology, a company in Italy that, among other projects, developed software for National Railway Co. for them to use in the transportation of goods over their system.

Originally from Italy, Mr. Catassi holds a degree in Classical Languages and Philosophy and studied for a Law Degree prior to changing course to pursue his career in computer technology and information systems.

In 2013 Mr. Catassi was named by Information Management Magazine as one of the Top 25 IT Managers in the USA.

Formerly President of the Italian-American Chamber of Commerce in New York, Mr. Catassi is also a Knight and Officer of the Italian Republic.

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