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Provider Data Management is Key to Meeting Business Goals

HIMSS Research

medical staff having a relaxed conversation in an exam room

HIMSS research finds providers use PDM to improve patient experience, referral management and the digital front door

Provider data management (PDM) seems like a straightforward task. Healthcare organizations (HCOs) simply gather information about their affiliated providers including name, address and office hours and publish that information on their websites.

However, the reality is that PDM is much more complicated. “The reason organizations sometimes think that managing provider data is easy is because they don’t think of it in terms of its interconnectedness with other parts of the organization,” said Chandra Nangineni, Senior Director, Shared Services, SCAN Health Plan.

That interconnectedness is key to the importance of collecting and maintaining accurate provider data, according to Nangineni. Getting provider data right can lead to higher patient satisfaction, increased patient engagement, effective referral management and enhanced operational efficiency. On the other hand, inaccurate provider data can negatively affect patients, providers, operations and a host of upstream and downstream entities. That’s why having an effective PDM strategy is important.

In this report:

  • Why managing provider data is so hard
  • How bad provider data affects patients
  • Current PDM strategies are not supporting business goals
  • Misalignment of investment and business goals
  • Moving toward better provider data management

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