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Smart Data Management In The Age of Supply Chain Disruption

Supply Chain

In a world of continuing market volatility and disruption, organizations seeking greater resilience often lack the ability for a real-time global view of their supply chains to make accelerated and accurate decisions. This is a major obstacle to the agility and efficiency that are necessary to thrive in a highly competitive global market. Complex inter-dependencies in extended supply chains create significant challenges. When disruptions occur, slow and inadequate responses inflict significant costs through the inability to avoid bottlenecks or mitigate constraints.

As a result, IT infrastructure & data is having to work harder than ever to unify the entire supply chain. The challenge for businesses is how to seize the opportunities of AI, automation and intelligent data management and use the lessons of the pandemic to help build their resiliency and end to end visibility.

This webinar, sponsored by InterSystems, brought together industry experts to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on retail and manufacturing supply chains, as well as the longer-term challenge of ensuring data is unified empowering rapid changes across the entire supply chain and accelerating digital transformation.


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