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InterSystems IRISにアップグレードして、新機能と利点を活用しましょう。

InterSystems IRISの詳細はこちら


The speed and adaptability of the InterSystems IRIS data platform enabled M-Tech to support its customer navigate high peaks in demand and a disruptive landscape.
Optimizing the Supply Chain
Customers rely on InterSystems technology to improve business results by enabling better decision-making and providing accurate real-time visibility and traceability across their supply chains.
Inventory Management
Mondial Tissus is a market leader and the largest network of fabric and sewing supply stores in France. Portraying itself as a 39-year-old start-up, it operates a network of 100 stores serving eight million customers each year. Its sales floors are conceived as inspirational spaces filled with a large assortment of sewing and knitting products.
Digitial Transformation
As Japan’s largest wholesaler of cosmetics, daily necessities, and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, PALTAC plays an indispensable role in moving 50,000 items from 1,000 manufacturers to 400 retailers operating 50,000 stores, when and where they’re needed. PALTAC has long focused on internal development work — which accounts for 70% of all its information systems — to give its supply chain capabilities a competitive edge.
The InterSystems IRIS data platform provides the infrastructure for the development and easy deployment of updates to the pharmacy software awintaONE® Containers are revolutionizing agile IT development environments as an innovative option for deploying and homogeneously managing software solutions. A good example of this is provided by awinta GmbH, the market leader for pharmacy software in Germany. For the continuous development of its awintaONE software, the company relies on containerization as part of the InterSystems® solution portfolio. This makes it possible to solve all programming requirements “out of the box” and provide pharmacy users with the most modern merchandise management system in the industry.
「月刊新医療」2018年11月号掲載 Cover Story 北関東の医療の要として、高度な医療の研究・開発そして提供、また有為な人材を輩出してきていることで広く知られる国立大学法人群馬大学医学部附属病院。
この顧客管理アプリケーションは、最終顧客の資産に関するアドホック クエリへの対応が必要である。 この顧客管理アプリケーションは、コンプライアンスを遵守して取引が行われたことを示す履歴管理をレポートする機能が求められる。 この顧客管理アプリケーションには、動的な拡張性、および秒単位ではなくミリ秒単位のクエリ応答性が求めらる。 基盤データベースは、膨大な量の全社取引データ (テラバイト) の処理能力が要求される。 基盤システムには、増大しつづけるデータの速度、多様性、容量の増加に対応する拡張性が必要。 システムのインフラストラクチャ コストを低減する必要がある。