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InterSystems Financial Services Solution Suite

InterSystems IRIS

Empowering The World’s Leading Financial Services Organizations to Accelerate Innovation and See Around Corners

Financial services organizations have long recognized that maintaining a complete, accurate, and current view of their distributed enterprise data can transform the way they collaborate, compete, serve clients, and make decisions. Becoming a data-led organization, however, is often far more complicated than business leaders expect, and delivering the right data to support critical business needs is becoming increasingly challenging.

InterSystems® makes the shift to a digital, data-driven approach possible by enabling business leaders and their teams to take full advantage of a 360-degree view of data from inside and outside the organization, delivering a wide range of benefits, including improved decision support, outstanding customer experiences, better compliance, stronger risk management, increased revenue generation, enhanced operational resilience, and accelerated innovation.

InterSystems provides a powerful set of solutions and capabilities that are enabling financial services firms of all sizes to better service their employees, partners, and customers.

Business 360 for Financial Services

InterSystems Business 360 provides financial services firms with a better, faster, and easier way to unlock information from disparate data silos, drive collaboration, and provide line-of-business managers with access to better insights from across the organization to meet their myriad business goals.

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Customer 360 for Financial Services

InterSystems Customer 360 makes it faster and easier for financial services firms to create and maintain a complete 360-degree view of every customer, delivering a wide range of benefits, including improved customer experience, hyper-personalization, increased revenue, reduced churn, and higher operational efficiencies.

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Institutional Client 360 for Financial Services

InterSystems Institutional Client 360 enables financial services firms to deepen their institutional relationships and grow revenue by providing access to all institutional client activity and information from both inside and outside the organization. Armed with these insights, firms can proactively anticipate clients’ needs, quickly respond to emerging opportunities and issues, and provide a set of differentiated, high-value, hyper-personalized experiences.

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Cloud Fintech Gateway

The rate of innovation within the financial services sector has increased dramatically. As traditional financial services organizations work to keep pace, they often incorporate technology from fintech providers to quickly implement new cloud-based applications and services. Empowering financial services organizations to achieve their goals requires that these cloud-native solutions can be swiftly and easily integrated into their existing technology infrastructure. InterSystems Cloud Fintech Gateway is enabling financial services firms to integrate these cloud-based fintech applications and services faster and more efficiently by providing seamless, bidirectional real-time integration with their existing production applications and data sources.

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Key Benefits

  • Informed Decisioning Leveraging Live Data
    Incorporate real-time transactional data and eliminate delays in accessing data stored in production applications and data silos, enabling business leaders to make decisions based on accurate and current data, not data that is weeks old, eliminating errors and missed business opportunities
  • Business User Self-Service
    Compared with just static dashboards, dynamic self-service data exploration capabilities enable business users to explore the data, ask ad hoc questions, and drill down via interactive queries in an iterative manner, reducing the reliance on IT for answers to their questions
  • More Diverse Data, for Better Insights
    Incorporates more data from more sources, providing a more complete and comprehensive view of the business and more insightful analytics
  • Increases Operational Efficiencies
    Enables advanced analytics, including machine learning, business intelligence, natural language processing, business rules, and predictive models to be incorporated into real-time processes flows, dashboards, and reporting, streamlining operations and increasing efficiencies

InterSystems IRIS Data Platform

InterSystems IRIS® is the next-generation data management software powering InterSystems suite of financial services solutions for a wide range of financial services customers, leveraging a modern smart data fabric approach that addresses the limitations and delays associated with previous approaches.

InterSystems Financial Services Solutions
InterSystems Financial Services Solutions

InterSystems technology is used in production applications by most of the top global banks, as well as by asset management, retail and commercial banking, hedge funds, insurance, and other large and mid-tier financial services organizations around the world.

For more information, visit or contact us at


2025年 1月 10日
第5回 InterSystems 医療 x IT セミナー
インターシステムズは、2024年10月16日に、第5回 InterSystems Health x IT セミナーを開催致しました。
2024年 12月 25日

2024年10月開催(東洋経済新報社共催)のセミナー「未来のサプライチェーンに備えたデータ戦略」より(株)バリューグリッド研究所 大兵取締役 上野善信氏による基調講演をご覧いただけます(約30分)。

2024年10月31日に対面で開催した(東洋経済新報社共催)セミナー「未来のサプライチェーンに備えたデータ戦略」より(株)バリューグリッド研究所 代表取締役 上野善信氏による基調講演をご視聴いただけます(約30分)。
2024年 12月 17日

2024年10月31日に対面で開催した(東洋経済新報社共催)セミナー「未来のサプライチェーンに備えたデータ戦略」より、インターシステムズ佐藤比呂志、Mark Holmes、Ming Zhouによる講演の録画をご覧いただけます(約30分)
2024年 12月 10日
要件の特定、技術の評価、パートナーの選択 プランニング・ガイドのダウンロード
2024年 12月 10日
データメッシュ・アーキテクチャと InterSystems が、組織におけるチーム横断的なデータの管理、拡張、活用をどのように支援するかをご覧ください。
2024年 12月 10日
2024年 12月 10日
データレイクとは何か、生データをどのように保存し分析するのか、そしてInterSystems IRISがデータレイクの効果的な管理をどのように支援するのかをご紹介します。
2024年 12月 4日
2024年 12月 4日
S&P Global Market Intelligence
S&P Global Market Intelligence レポートでは、アナリストのジェームス・カーティスが InterSystems IRIS について考察しています。 彼はインターシステムズとInterSystems IRISにつき、以下の分析しています:
2024年 11月 26日


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