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OnTrak News Flash No.2

April 17, 2020

OnTrak News Flash No.2: The Fight Against COVID-19

From the Desk of Dimitri FaneDirector of Product Management, TrakCare

As I sit at my desk at home this week, I’m struck once again by the truly international nature of our business. In the past week, I’ve spoken with colleagues and clients from more than a dozen countries and received reports and updates from even more. Throughout the world — from countries like China, Italy, France, Spain, and South Africa, to regions like Southeast Asia and the Middle East, to entire continents like South America — our clients are putting their own safety at risk to support their patients, and all of us at InterSystems are honored to be able to play a role in supporting this effort. This broad international view gives us a unique perspective; in this and upcoming issues of “OnTrak News Flash,” we will be sharing updates and ideas from some of our customer regions. For example, this issue brings reports from China and the Middle East, and future issues will feature stories from Italy, South Africa, and others.

There are certainly some recurring themes emerging. Telehealth is top of mind for most of our clients, and we’re working hard to support a variety of integrations with InterSystems TrakCare®. In many ways, a telehealth appointment can be treated like any other appointment in TrakCare. A clinician can use all the usual scheduling and patient management functionality, document the encounter, and place orders — and even bill as usual. The big difference, of course, is the that patient is physically remote from the care provider, which means that audio/video technology plays a critical role. For TrakCare clients, it’s important to document the encounter and enter observations and orders as usual, since this will become important for continuity of treatment and continuity of data.

If you are working on something related to the COVID-19 crisis and wish to share it, please feel free to get in touch with me or with your account manager at InterSystems. We’d like to share more stories in upcoming issues.

Best wishes,

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