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OnTrak News Flash No.9

October 22, 2021

Partnership Highlights and Exciting New Announcements

From the Desk of Dimitri Fane

It’s that time of year again. InterSystems Virtual Summit starts on Oct 26th. While I very much hope that some of next year’s event will be face to face, virtual events like this do actually have some significant advantages. Whereas past live events were costly and time-consuming for many of our TrakCare clients to attend, Virtual Summit will be free and stream across several platforms, making it readily available to the TrakCare world. This is a highlight in our calendar, and we’ve prepared a lot of TrakCare content so I very much hope you can join us. There is a session on what’s new in TrakCare, where I’ll have the opportunity with my colleagues to go through some of what we’ve been working on this year, and we have a number of 20-minute solution sessions that go into a fair bit of detail on specific areas. In addition to the TrakCare content, we’ve put together a compelling set of keynotes, presentations and roundtable discussions around technology and healthcare. We also have a few big announcements to share so I hope you can make the time to join us.

In this issue of OnTrak News, we’re highlighting several clients who are achieving some great benefits from TrakCare. On the topic of information sharing, we’re very excited to announce the InterSystems Client Connection portal. The idea here is to have a single place to bring together documentation, share product videos and success stories, and have interactive communities where you can meet and discuss with other InterSystems clients and our global teams. I hope you take the time to explore and provide us with feedback – we want to make this a valuable resource for the TrakCare community.

As always, if you have ideas for future issues of OnTrak or for things you’d like to see on the Client Connection, I’d love to hear from you.

InterSystems Client Connection Launch

InterSystems is creating an online resource and community for our TrakCare clients. This new digital tool, InterSystems Client Connection, will deliver important information about InterSystems TrakCare and include resources that benefit our clients.

In preparation of our full launch of the Client Connection, we are allowing TrakCare customers to explore and test the platform. We will be posting specific testing information to the OnTrak Community, including details and requests to review specific features of the site.

To get started, please go to and log in using your InterSystems SSO login or create an account. You will find a guide to getting started on the home page. If at any point you have any questions, please contact the Client Connection Manager at

Thank you again for your continued support, and we look forward to further engaging with you on the Client Connection.

In This Newsletter:


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ぜひ、お話を聞かせてください。 詳細をご記入の上、送信してください。
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