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Advisory: DSUB ATNA Logging Creates Orphaned Messages and Global Growth

This problem affects the following products:

  • HealthShare Unified Care Record® versions 2020.2 through 2023.1:
    • 2020.2
    • 2021.1
    • 2021.2
    • 2022.1
    • 2022.2
    • 2023.1


  • IHE
  • DSUB (such as XCA)

A change to DSUB ATNA logging for IHE in HealthShare 2020.2.1 inadvertently resulted in the creation of orphaned HS.Message.XMLMessage objects when the SOAP InvokeWebService() method was called, which caused unnecessary growth in HS.Message.XMLMessage globals. Over time this can cause unnecessary storage growth.

Version 2023.2. resolves this issue and prevents new orphaned messages from being created. Customers using IHE functionality on an affected version should run a utility to purge existing orphaned messages. Contact the Worldwide Response Center (WRC) and refer to HSIEC-7416 for assistance with this utility.


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