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Alert: Database Corruption with Multi-Volume Databases after Truncation

InterSystems has corrected a defect that can cause database corruption or <DISKHARD> errors with multi-volume databases under extremely rare circumstances. Only databases that have been truncated are at risk.

The defect exists in the following products and any InterSystems offerings based on them:

  • InterSystems IRIS® – 2024.1, 2024.1.1, and 2024.2
  • InterSystems IRIS® for Health – 2024.1, 2024.1.1, and 2024.2
  • HealthShare® Health Connect – 2024.1, 2024.1.1, and 2024.2

No HealthShare Solutions products are affected by this defect.

Although InterSystems has received no reports from customers due to this defect, we recommend the following temporary mitigation to avoid the problem:

  • Do not truncate multi-volume databases.
  • Do not create a new volume for a single- or multi-volume database that you have truncated since the last time the database was mounted. To disable automatic creation, set the configuration parameter New Volume Threshold = 0.  Note that setting this parameter does not prevent manual creation of new volumes.

The correction for this defect is identified as DP-433375. It will be included in all future versions and is also available via Ad-hoc distribution.

If you have any questions regarding this alert, please contact the Worldwide Response Center.

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