Coordinating, delivering, and managing care in a fragmented healthcare system is tough. With InterSystems HealthShare Care Community®, a FHIR®-enabled care management software solution, the entire care team --from patients and physicians to care managers and home health workers-- can create and share comprehensive care plans.
With real-time access to the HealthShare Unified Care Record, Care Community is a solution for caregivers, patients and their proxies to improve communication, close gaps in care, and improve health outcomes as well as increase care team efficiency.
With Care Community, you can:
- Centrally identify and manage single or multiple care plans and patient care teams
- Keep care team members informed with views of tasks for individual and all assigned patients
- Create custom care plans with flexible template options
- Leverage the latest FHIR standards to promote interoperability across the care team
- Notify care team members of assigned tasks, changes to care plans and patient events like admission, discharge or transfers
- Work within provider point of care workflow with real-time access to patient information and care plans

HealthShare Care Community complements the Unified Care Record and is available in the HealthShare product suite.