InterSystems IntelliCare Medication Management functionality supports medication delivery across care settings – from pharmacy formulary management and medication dispensing to prescribing, clinical pharmacy, and administration.
Key Benefits
- Meet organization patient safety and efficiency initiatives
- Provide better, safer care, and more streamlined efficient medication delivery, and pharmacy operations
- Improve medication administration with our fully integrated, closed-loop medication management solution
Make Better Decisions
Extensive decision support and access to the patient’s full medical record facilitates informed decision making, clear communication of clinician intent, and tracking of patient progress for all types of prescriptions.
Reduce Errors
IntelliCare closed-loop barcode scanning technology ensures patient identity and medication accuracy during medication delivery workflow. Clear and consistent presentation of key medication information informs the entire care team and helps avoid medication errors and inadvertent patient harm.
Optimize Efficiency and Utilization
Efficiency and utilization of medications within your organization can be optimized with functionality to drive formulary adherence, control and track the use of classified drugs.
Key Features
- Flexible & clinically integrated workflows
- Brand & generic prescribing at different levels of specificity
- Extensive clinical decision support & flexible alerting
- Order by favorites, order sets & classification scheme
- Medication history, planning & reconciliation
- Diagnosis & indication linking
- Dosing schedules to support both simple and complex regimens
- Clinical pharmacy review & formulary management
- Nurse task list & interactive medication chart
- Closed-loop barcode scanning technology to validate patient identity, medication, and medication administration
- Nurse manufacture of admixtures
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