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InterSystems IRIS 2022.2: Empowering Enterprise Application Development

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Businesses today need to be able to cope with handling ever-growing volumes of data and turn that data into actionable insight to ensure they are agile and flexible enough to quickly respond to changing circumstances, increase efficiency, and drive innovation. Being able to do that depends heavily on the technology they are using.

That’s why we’re committed to ensuring that our InterSystems IRIS® data platform and InterSystems IRIS for Health™ regularly receive new and exciting capabilities that empower smarter, nimbler enterprise application development.

We’re focused on enhancing our solutions in five main areas: analytics and artificial intelligence; development experience; interoperability and IoT; speed, scale, and security; and cloud and operations. The latest release of our InterSystems IRIS data platforms, version 2022.2, builds on those themes, making it even easier for you to build high performance, machine learning-enabled applications that connect data and application silos to streamline your digital transformation initiatives and build smarter applications.

Here's a brief look at some of the key updates to InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS for Health version 2022.2:

· Columnar Storage: We’ve made analytical queries 10x faster (and in many cases even more than 10x). Columnar storage optimizes storage through fast aggregates and vectorized processing and allows you to keep data together based on how it is read, per column. You can use the same data using either row-oriented or column-oriented access. The unique-in-the-market schema offers a new level of flexibility. Columnar storage is now available through an early access program; if you’re interested in working with this feature, please contact your sales director or sales engineer.

· New Business Rule Editor: Our Business Rule Editor has been redesigned and rebuilt to modernize the user experience of our visual editors. This exciting feature further simplifies ease-of-use, works for both old and new business rules, and supports routing rules.

· Easier and Faster SQL: Users benefit from a range of SQL improvements including SQL operations, lateral JOIN support, and greater schema flexibility. These enhancements speed the creation of powerful SQL-based applications and simplify their operations.

· Object Workload Distribution: InterSystems IRIS 2022.2 completes support for the object data model in sharded clusters by introducing two easy-to-use API methods, a Broadcast method, and a separate Map method, to invoke procedural code on all the nodes of a sharded cluster. These two methods combined offer developers all the flexibility they need to take advantage of their sharded clusters.

· InterSystems Kubernetes Operator 3.5: Our InterSystems Kubernetes Operator has also been updated with some exciting new features, including improvements that make it easy to use TLS/SSL everywhere in your InterSystems IRIS Cluster. Additionally, the web gateway is now much easier to deploy for larger enterprise data applications.

· Development on FHIR: We’ve also continued to invest in FHIR, the latest standard for healthcare interoperability, including updates to the FHIR core in InterSystems IRIS for Health and the IRIS Cloud FHIR Server. InterSystems now sponsors CLINFHIR, an open-source suite of developer tools, to make development with FHIR faster and easier.

Other exciting additions include support for new and updated platforms such as RHEL 9 and Ubuntu 22.04, cloud storage connectors for Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud, and improvements to system alerting and monitoring.

As you can see, the release of 2022.2 offers developers and organizations a wide range of upgrades and enhancements to ensure they are fully equipped in today’s fast-paced, data-driven world.

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