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We Do Support Differently

InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, HealthShare, TrakCare, Caché, and Ensemble
We provide expert technical assistance to our customers 24 hours a day, every day. We maintain support advisers in 15 countries around the world and have specialists fluent in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Welsh, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Thai, Swedish, Korean, Japanese, Finnish, Russian, French, German, Czech, Hebrew, and Hungarian.

Every one of our clients immediately gets help from a highly qualified support specialist who really cares about client success.

InterSystems Worldwide Response Center (WRC) provides world class support for all our products via phone, email, or online.

For immediate support by phone:

+1-617-621-0700 (US)

+44 (0) 808 175 8763 (UK)

0800 615 658 (NZ Toll Free)

1800 628 181 (AUS Toll Free)

For email support and login:

Email Support

For online support:

WRC Direct

The Rules We Live By

  • You set the priority of your issue.
  • We respond quickly. Telephone calls (if not answered immediately) and all electronic correspondences will receive a reply within 30 minutes.
  • We put our best people on the front line. You will have one expert point of contact who will gather all the resources needed to ensure your issue is solved to your satisfaction.
  • Our staff is empowered to spend as much time as necessary working on your problem.
  • You determine when an issue is closed.
  • We follow up to ensure your satisfaction and to identify ways in which we can improve. Our staff is seeking a “WOW!” reaction from every encounter.
  • Your information is protected and safeguarded.
  • Our support processes look to facilitate protected and secure interactions with you, especially if you need to share sensitive or personal information with us to enable problem solve, through our  Information Sharing Terms.
  • For more information about our data protection, privacy, and security processes, please visit our  Global Trust site.

InterSystems Support

Additional Resources

Jul 09, 2021
Receive notifications concerning support alerts, critical issues, important updates, fixes, and product releases.
Sep 20, 2021
We provide support for all of our products 24×7 through the Worldwide Response Center (WRC).
We occasionally make versions of upcoming software available to current customers for review and feedback. The Pre-release Trial Program includes Field Test Downloads and InterSystems Field Tests in the Cloud.

WRC login Required
Sep 07, 2021
Information security and privacy are forefront concerns for InterSystems when interacting with our customers, partners, or other parties. To that end, InterSystems does not maintain accounts on or directly access your systems or environments. Importantly, our support advisors across all of our products will work with you to understand your issue and not request to use your data or to view your system unless actually and truly needed for any problem solving, which occurs only in the rarest of circumstances. Most times, the information that we need to resolve an issue relates to system or database settings, error reports or displays, or object script code, rather than the data itself. If we do need to view your data or the specific operation of the product on your systems, we would arrange with you for secure “over the shoulder” access, using Webex or some other secure screen sharing option with the focus on never having independent or direct access to your systems or data. Our goal is to keep your data with you while solving your issue.
Jun 24, 2021
InterSystems strives to design and develop its products, services, and operations to be accessible to as many stakeholders as possible, regardless of ability.

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