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Are InterSystems certification exams challenging?
InterSystems certification exams are designed to assess real-world job skill competency for their target profiles and can be challenging to candidates. The exams are created using a rigorous process that focuses on the skill level of the target profile at each step of development. Additionally, the development of exam content includes input from experts inside and outside of InterSystems.
Do I need to study or prepare for an exam?
InterSystems Learning Services recommends carefully reviewing the exam content listed in the details of an exam. These details show all the topics covered in the exam and can help a candidate prepare themselves for an attempt by showing topics for which the candidate may require preparation.
Can I take an InterSystems training course and expect to pass a certification exam on the same technology?
Although possible, generally more preparation than only taking InterSystems courses is required to pass certification exams. Exam content is aligned with InterSystems learning content and documentation, however exams are designed to assess the application of skills and learning and not just information retention. Therefore, many times a successful exam attempt will require on-the-job experience with our technologies. The target profile listed in “Exam Details” section of an exam’s description reviews those expectations.
How should I use exam practice questions?
Some InterSystems certification exams include practice questions to assist candidates in preparation for their exam. The practice questions mirror the format and style of actual exam questions. However, practice questions do not constitute a practice exam and do not exhaustively cover all topics that appear on the exam. Additional preparation beyond the review of practice questions is highly recommended.
What am I allowed to use during an exam?
InterSystems certification exams will sometimes contain reference material within the exam itself that can be reviewed as needed. However additional resources, including blank paper or pens, are not allowed.
Am I penalized for wrong answers?
Candidates are not penalized for wrong answers. Wrong answers do not count towards the exam score.
How much do InterSystems Certification exams cost?
All InterSystems certification exams cost $150 (USD) each.
I passed the exam – how long does my certification credential last?
Most InterSystems certification credentials are valid for five years or until a new exam supersedes (and retires the previous exam). As a certified staff member, you will be given ample notice of any changes to your credential.
I wasn’t successful on this attempt – what should I do?
Exam results are immediately available to candidates under My Assessments. This report shows breakouts of exam topics and the candidate’s performance in these areas. If a candidate wishes, they can request the free Exam Retake Support service, as described in Exam Policies, that can help the candidate prepare a future attempt.
What should I do if I take an exam and believe a question to be inaccurate?
Candidates can challenge exam items by writing to The InterSystems Certification Team will review all challenges and inform the candidate of the outcome. However, a successful challenge does not automatically result in additional points towards the candidate’s score. Additionally, the InterSystems Certification Team welcomes feedback about questions and the exam experience via the same email address.

Certification Exam FAQ